Smurf   (Benjamin Gimmel)

A unified description of motion exists – but not a "theory of everything".

We can talk about everything that happens. With precision. Thus we know that there must be a unified description of motion. We just need to deduce the concepts that allow us to do so.

Since 1973 the 9 lines summarizing textbook physics as a combination of general relativity and the standard model (with massive mixing Dirac neutrinos) provide a complete description of what moves in nature. The 9 lines thus seem to be a candidate for a "theory of everything". However:

–   Even though the 9 lines contain all natural sciences, they don't explain "everything".
–   9 lines are too many.
–   The last 4 lines – with all their "arbitrary" choices – are not understood.

Therefore, the 9 lines are a complete description of motion, but not a unified one.
In contrast, the strand tangle model is a candidate for a unified description:

–   Strands are based on a single statement, the fundamental principle.
–   Strands imply all 9 lines.
–   Strands explain the last 4 lines with their seemingly arbitrary choices, and thus provide a unified description of motion and of all natural sciences - and of nothing outside natural science.

The single fundamental principle is: Crossing switches of otherwise unobservable, fluctuating strands of Planck radius define the quantum of action ℏ, the Planck time and all observable processes in nature.

The fundamental principle of the
strand tangle model

The consequences: particles are tangles of fluctuating strands. Wave functions are blurred crossing densities. Space is a blurred network of fluctuating strands. Gravity and curvature are blurred inhomogeneous strand networks. Horizons are blurred weaves of strands. Motion minimizes crossing switches.

A pedagogical introduction is here. Talk pdf

Its uniqueness and lack of alternatives is explained here. Talk pdf

Strand predictions are clear and testable: first, no new physics will be observed; secondly, fundamental constants can be calculated. These include neutrino masses and mixing angles, but also the fine structure constant.



Correct. All conclusions and predictions agree with experiment. Validates all experimental physicists.

Unified. No free parameters. The strand tangle model reproduces general relativity and the full standard model, including the particle spectrum, the interaction spectrum and the gauge groups. Read more here.

Positively predictive. No free parameters. The strand tangle model promises to reproduce the values of the fundamental constants: particle masses, mixing angles and coupling constants. This allows testing the model.

Negatively predictive. The strand tangle model predicts the lack of physics beyond the standard model and beyond general relativity. This implies hundreds of ongoing and future experimental tests.

Universal. Implies a simple cosmological model: the universe is made of one strand that goes from one spot of the cosmological horizon to another.

Unique. No inequivalent alternative exists. None of the predictions is made by any other candidate approach.

Complete. No gaps. Nothing is unexplained in fundamental physics.

Simple. Based on a single fundamental principle.

Peaceful. No misuse possible. No new power. No new weapons. No secret knowledge. No new age nonsense. No salvation. No eternal bliss. Not mystical. Not magic. Not a holy grail. Hurts the vain.



No hype. No breakthrough. No new effects. No new technologies. No myths. No changing the world. Not a big deal. Not a paradigm shift. No fantasy. No fiction. Just the final piece of the puzzle. Hurts the vanity of researchers and journalists.

Not a storm. Not an earthquake. Not a fire. Just a whisper. Hurts the vanity of many theorists.

Little math. Only inequalities and discrete topology. Hurts the vanity of the lovers of complex math.

Lack of precision. Calculations of fundamental constants of the standard model are still imprecise.

Not a theory of everything. The strand tangle model cannot predict human behaviour. Instead, the model is a promising candidate for a unified description of motion.



Elegant. A few lines that fit on a T-shirt.

Unexpected. The complete standard model is based on one simple principle.

Accessible. Tangles, geometry and algebra. For bachelor science students. Worldwide.

Tiny. The fundamental principle makes the tangle model the tiniest theory of nature.

*    *

On names

The strand tangle model promises to be a unified description of motion. 'Unified' or 'tiny' means that it uses one fundamental principle to deduce all conclusions and all aspects of the description. It is a 'description of motion' because there are no deviations between the description and all observations of motion.

The more sensational the name of a theory, the more wrong it is. The term 'grand unified theory' is used for a group of older research approaches that were neither grand, nor unified, nor theories. The expression 'final theory' has always been reserved for titles of mediocre books and games. Expressions starting with 'super...' are used for unsuccessful attempts from the past. The expression 'world formula' has never been correct; it is reserved for misleading theatre plays – and for calculating the optimal way to park a car backwards. The term 'theory of everything' was always mistaken; it is used for unsuccessful esoteric healing attempts and titles of mediocre films.

In contrast, the expressions 'unified description of motion', 'tiny theory' or 'tiny description of motion' are correct – so far. They are also sober enough to keep them from ever being misused in mass media headlines.

*    *


The answer to every question about nature is the fundamental principle. Or, equivalently, the Dirac trick with Planck-scale strands. The strand tangle model thus leads physicists to talk about nature like the smurfs (puffi/schtroumpfs/Schlümpfe/smurfen) do: they (almost) only use the word smurf in their conversation.

Indeed, since the beginning in 1958, smurf has been the acronym for
"strand model: unified, rigorous, final".

                              Smurf   (Grigorij)