

探索植物,動物,閃電,衛星,下載,光和空間的運動! 著迷於分子馬達,黑洞,自然之美和操作簡單:學習宇宙懶惰的原理-最少動作-最大速度,最大距離,最大功率和量規對稱性,對稱性。 解釋了電動機,放射性和夸克!

找出煙花,手機和蝴蝶的共同點,肌肉的工作原理,顏色的外觀,懸浮的可能性,為什麼我們看到恆星以及仍然存在哪些物理問題。 享受大自然的許多美麗拼圖。 閱讀有關我們在了解我們周圍流程方面所取得的巨大進步。 了解宇宙的故事如何塑造我們的夜空,太陽,景觀,我們的身體以及組成它的所有原子。 尋找有趣的實驗重複。 探索物理中使用的概念的力量。 如果您的年齡在16至106歲之間,那麼您會喜歡閱讀這本物理書。

Physics pdfFree download of volume I - FALL, FLOW AND HEAT         (260 MB).

Physics pdfFree download of volume II - RELATIVITY AND COSMOLOGY         (50 MB).

Physics pdfFree download of volume III - LIGHT, CHARGES AND BRAINS         (80 MB).

Physics pdfFree download of volume IV - THE QUANTUM OF CHANGE         (38 MB).

Physics pdfFree download of volume V - MOTION INSIDE MATTER: PLEASURE, TECHNOLOGY AND STARS         (85 MB).





“山地物理學教科書”適用於學生,學生, 老師和任何對自然好奇的人:言語充滿力量 軼事,令人著迷的謎語,不尋常的桌子,令人驚嘆的照片和 美麗的電影。 它已被下載超過40萬次。 樂趣 pdf書籍,可以擴大您的好奇心和學習範圍。

If you can expand and improve this page in Chinese, please let me know via email. This page should be as interesting, passionate and elegant as possible – as physics is.

Of course, if you even want to help to translate a volume of this book series into Chinese – or just a part of a volume – you are even more welcome. I cannot read Chinese, so I cannot correct any translation. But I will do the typesetting, give advice, and motivate. See this page for the technical details.

A translation would be a great present for the young people around you. Many before you have enjoyed translating the text, and you will as well. You will help the youth a lot and give them a great present. All over the world, we need more young people who read science books, and physics books in particular. We need them also in Taiwan, in Hong Kong, in Macau and in many other places. You will have fun translating, and you will have many readers. Your work will be recognized, and your name will be on all title pages of the volumes.

Everywhere, young people who read physics books help to make the world a better place. Many sources on the internet are not reliable, even parts dedicated to physics. Wikipedia articles on physics are often not helpful. Discussion groups about physics include a lot of noise. They contain many misleading or even false statements. We need a world in which truth is clearly stated, where true statements are one of the guides available to young people, and where people learn to distinguish correct and false by themselves. We need a world in which young people decide by themselves which path they choose. Science books and physics books are a step on the way to a better world.